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Your product will make what better for whom — why?

Tell us about the (i.) engineering insight, (ii.) product emphasis and (iii.) distribution plan:

What's the founding team's unique edge — why will customers trust you to deliver?

How much are you planning to raise — on what terms?

Walk us through how you to hit $2M, $5M or $10M in revenue from the initial raise:

For product decisions do you defer to data or taste?

For product decisions do you defer to data or taste?

Please share any examples of the founding team applying its deference to data or taste to distill, communicate and/or ship/publish anything consequential — e.g., an equation, document, product or video — highlighting the full expression of your judgment and ability:

If you picture the company you're building as a System-on-Module (SoM), walk us through (i.) the input dependencies for your desired outputs given the external context within which you'll operate, (ii.) your internal architecture (e.g., command/control unit(s) optimized to generate what type of instructions for what desired changes of state) and (iii.) how (i.) and (ii.) combine for unique efficiencies your customers want:

Using the wave, surfboard, surfer analogy, walk us through how you'll pitch for the next round of financing — i.e, why this market now, why this product and why you given what you demonstrated with the initial funding:

Irrespective of your formal education, have you watched the free videos for Stanford's CS 149?

Irrespective of your formal education, have you watched the free videos for Stanford's CS 149?

Have you taken Stanford's CS 153?

Have you taken Stanford's CS 153?

Tell us about about the most difficult problems the founding team has worked on — either individually or collectively — and how you solved them:

When you think about internal communication — i.e., experiments; outcomes; opportunities to press — do the diagrams at mirror your approach?

When you think about internal communication — i.e., experiments; outcomes; opportunities to press — do the diagrams at mirror your approach?


CEO LinkedIn:

CTO LinkedIn:

CPO LinkedIn (if neither of the above):

Link to non-con deck:

Link to YouTube, Loom or Notion:

Drop us your email — if there's a fit, we'll be in touch within 48hrs...